Shop for me

Shop for me This service will help you purchase from china store, taobao,,Tmall,, or simply any China-based website!If you have trouble ordering online we can shop on your behalf.we will purchase what you need.We are able to purchase many hard to get product from various online shop.we charge 10% commission for shop for me orders,we…

Ship for me

Ship for me From Our China Warehouse to Your Doorstep Send goods  you have bought from sellers and providers to our China-based warehouse, and we will deliver them anywhere to your doorstep. If you are buying from multiple sellers, we will collect and combine all your packages in our warehouse before shipping globally. It will reduce your…


How it works on ChinaShipShop 1) Sign up with chinashipshopIt is free to sign up with chinashipshop. An address will be provided right away when you create an account with us, this address would be used as shipping address with online supplier in china. You can use it as soon as you get it. 2)…

What is Chinashipshop

What is Chinashipshop from business point of view?​ChinaShipShop is a well known Taobao Agent and China-based shipment organization,shop chinese, through which people from over 200 countries can shop from anywhere over internet in china and get it shipped to their doorsteps. The service is provide for our customer store their parcels, combining their stored parcels and…